Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How did a Jew get a Greek version (Jesus) of the Hebrew Name Joshua or Yeshua.?

His real name was Joshua or Yeshua. That's what all the people who knew him probably would have called him. But when the various writers of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) decided to write about him, they wrote in what was the most internatiionally used language in their region in those days (Greek) so that as many people as possible would be able to understand their "Good News". So in their writing they translated his name to the nearest Greek equivalent (Jesus). The way his name is rendered into a langauge is not important. The meaning of his name (Savior) is.

How did a Jew get a Greek version (Jesus) of the Hebrew Name Joshua or Yeshua.?
is there a punchline to this joke?
Reply:the jews steal everything

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