Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the archaic hebrew name of our messiah and the archaic hebrew name of our almighty creator?

When rir the name jesus start?

Who translated the hebrew name of the creator into greek name.

What is the archaic hebrew name of our messiah and the archaic hebrew name of our almighty creator?
I'm not sure I understand your question completely, but we got the word "Jesus" from the transliteration (taking the phonetics of the target language and using it to approximate the sound of the word in the original) of His Hebrew name to Greek - then to Latin - back to Greek and finally to English.

As I have said before - folks have been using this form (Jesus) for a long time now and old habits are hard to break. While I prefer to use His Hebrew name - I'm pretty sure He knows who we mean when we say "Jesus" and is not in the least bit offended. In biblical thought - a name is much more than the combination of sounds that comprise a word.
Reply:Jesus: Yeshua... God: Yhweh
Reply:Christ, God gave the name of Jesus to Mary.

china rose

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