Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hebrew name for a store to be open?

I'm going to open a store and I will like some names in Hebrew that may be suitable, ex- prosperity, blessings etc.

Thank you.

Hebrew name for a store to be open?
What kind of store?

How about naming it after some body special's Hebrew name? Husband, son/daughter, mother, etc.
Reply:Brachot - blessings

Revachah - prosperity

Mazel tov - good luck or good fortune

Shuk - market

Machnis - profitable
Reply:How about "Adah You Putz". Translation "Beautiful Addition You Fruitcake". Will make em curious about what your selling anyway. As I am. Some might think it means"Hey There You Schlameal Come in Hear". Insult them before they come in the door, so when they come in, you can WOW them with your smile and the fantastic things we don't know you're selling. Here's another one. How about "Larry Moe %26amp; Curlies" oops!!! I don't think those are hebrew names ? Sorry, got my pencil stuck in my ear bending over to pick my cat Amit up. OH POOP !!! What's that grey matter on the end of my pencil ? Better go now, I might have to go to the ER. Good vibes to ya.

winter sweet

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