Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hebrew last name help...?

I am looking for last names for my Hebrew Characters. I found a website before that I used often, but now its down or not even there anymore. Some suggestions would be nice as well as other websites.

Thank you

God bless you


Hebrew last name help...?
It depends on the ethnicity of the characters. Are they Ashkenazi? Sephardic? Mizrahi?

Also, if you need any symbolic name that originates from Hebrew, describe your characters for us (e.g. a brave man may bear the surname "gur-arye": Hebrew for "son of a lion").
Reply:And here I thought Hebrew was a language, the official one in Israel.
Reply:Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Falasha, Morrocan? "Hebrew" names depend on historical and geographic specifics.
Reply:Although somewhere in lore Hebrew characters may have "last" names, they are normally called by one name (For example: alef is the first character). These characters are called similar names to Greek characters (alef vs alpha; dollit vs delta).

I think you can find the Hebrew alphabet character names on Wikipedia.

If you want to find out the Hebrew spelling of your first or last name you could try downloading a Hebrew font or looking for one in your processor. However, you would need to make three changes -- Make your "U"s or "O"s into "V"s; Make your "ee"s into "Y"s and then just convert to Hebrew characters. I am unclear exactly what your question is.

Extra info: The word David can have two Hebrew spellings, depending on when the scribes writing that point of the Bible lived.
Reply:I found this hope it helps you. Good luck

china rose

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